Monday, October 13, 2008


Ocala, Florida – Today the State of Florida recognized and honored the ultimate sacrifice made by five firefighters who gave their lives in the service of their communities. The names of Jeremy Adams, John Curry, Michael Douthitt , Paul Reynolds, Sr., and Donald Lund were added to 142 other Florida firefighter’s who are honored at The Florida Fallen Firefighter Memorial, located at the Florida State Fire College.

The families of each new inductee were presented with a state flag (which has flown over the memorial) and a memorial medal by Les Hallman, Director, Division of State Fire Marshal. “We are here to honor 142 firefighters who never saw themselves as heroes, but who, indeed, were heroes. Today we honor these five men for their service and sacrifice. They will be remembered here, as well as on a wall of honor in Tallahassee.”

A large crowd gathered to respect these brave men and those who went before them. Honor Guard units from 25 departments across the state participated, along with a Florida Unified Bag Pipe and Drum Corp.

The hour long ceremony concluded with the playing of Amazing Grace by the Bag Pipe and Drum Corp.

Janie Gunnell, PIO
(352) 369-2821