Friday, October 31, 2008

Today's Special: Liquid Fuel

The FF I & II class put their teamwork and nozzle control skills to work as they battled the Fuel Farm Simulator prop. See a short video clip below. Tonight as darkness falls on campus, and ghostly ghouls line up at your doors, these students will be busy with another prop, the Propane Tank, where students further their experience in removing the hazard of the most disastrous event involving tank-held combustibles, the Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion (BLEVE).

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

FEMA Teams Training at FSFC

The Florida State Fire College is once again home to complex FEMA
training for disaster response. Nationaly recognized instructors in
disaster response were actually on-site to receive training this week.

Shoring, high angle rescue, hazardous materials, IEDs, and various
available equipment were all part of the training that is being used
to expand the capabilities of rescuers.

Monday, October 27, 2008


Students from the Firefighter I & II class perform one of the more memorable skills from the course. The Garage Attack video is below:

Friday, October 24, 2008

Firefighter I & II Class V Gets Taste of Pressure Cooker

The current Firefighter I & II class performed multiple attacks on three floors of the newly updated burn building. They were able to confront both Class A fired props and Gas fired props in separate environments. With the watchful eye of the Instructors, students were motivated beyond their perceived expectations and performed well under the new circumstances.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

National Attention

More than twenty states including Missouri, Texas, New York,
California, and Colorado were represented by FEMA USAR Task Force
members this week on the FSFC campus.

The students were involved in the Heavy Rigger Course which helps
emergency workers with special lifting tactics and efficient
communication with the crane operators who would be called to the
scene of an actual disaster.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Ocala, Florida – Today the State of Florida recognized and honored the ultimate sacrifice made by five firefighters who gave their lives in the service of their communities. The names of Jeremy Adams, John Curry, Michael Douthitt , Paul Reynolds, Sr., and Donald Lund were added to 142 other Florida firefighter’s who are honored at The Florida Fallen Firefighter Memorial, located at the Florida State Fire College.

The families of each new inductee were presented with a state flag (which has flown over the memorial) and a memorial medal by Les Hallman, Director, Division of State Fire Marshal. “We are here to honor 142 firefighters who never saw themselves as heroes, but who, indeed, were heroes. Today we honor these five men for their service and sacrifice. They will be remembered here, as well as on a wall of honor in Tallahassee.”

A large crowd gathered to respect these brave men and those who went before them. Honor Guard units from 25 departments across the state participated, along with a Florida Unified Bag Pipe and Drum Corp.

The hour long ceremony concluded with the playing of Amazing Grace by the Bag Pipe and Drum Corp.

Janie Gunnell, PIO
(352) 369-2821

Friday, October 3, 2008

Class 4 Prepared for Graduation

2008 Firefighter I & II Class IV is ready for launch. At 1:00pm the
students will be greeted by more than 400 family, friends, and fans
from the public sector as they receive their final send-off as they go
on to pursue their firefighting careers.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Florida Fallen Firefighter Memorial 2008

The hallowed grounds of the Florida Fallen Firefighter Memorial will once again be honored with the presence of hundreds of Honor Guard, Public Officials, Fire Service Personnel, Families, and Friends next Friday at 1:00pm

This event is in time with the latest Honor Guard Academy that will help in presenting at the event.

A large contingent of Pipe & Drum Corps. will also be on hand and as well as select events around Ocala during the week.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

FF I & II - Class 4 Extrication

Students from Class 4 were busy learning the ins-&-outs of the
hydraulic equipment they will use in emergency cituations durring
their careers. Students also utilized hand tools, air bags, cribbing,
jacks, and a load of technical instruction to remove victims from mock
vehicle crashes.

FF I & II - Class 5 CPR

Students from the freshly opened firefighter 1 & 2 class, today
participated in the first of their series of CPR skills.

They will become certified emergency medical provider CPR and first
responder certified, prior to entering into the fire training portion
of the course.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Members of the Marion County Sheriff SWAT utilized props and facilities on campus at the FSFC to practice tactical maneuvers.

Rappelling and breaching are among the skills they tested themselves on in order to keep themselves ready for a true emergency.

Apparatus Operations

Students from the Apparatus Ops. class spent the day testing their
control skills at the north east corner of campus. The class was
largely made up of Marion County Fire Rescue personnel.

Students completing this course along with Hydraulics, will soon sit
for the state pump operator test.

India Advanced Search And Rescue Group

The India class has been busy breeching and shorring today. The students have been absorbing the knowledge at a perfect pace, utilizing special tools and props that allow them to prepare for the multitude of disaters that they face commonly at home or abroad.

Some interesting thoughts arise as trainers try to implement the skills, such as the difference in strength of woods and other materials that will be availible to the India Team on their own turf. Common use of bamboo and mahogany bring differnt standards for stregth and use. ASAR members will work closely with the Bamboo Institute ( to ensure that they match compressiion and tensile strengths of the materials used in the USA.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What's in a name?

It was obvious with a glance over the name plates left in the auditorium, that we had some out-of-town students on campus. Specifically the roughly thirty members of India's Advance Urban Search & Rescue group.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Fire Extinguisher Technician Burn

Extinguisher burns like the one conducted today are required by law for any person who wishes to perform maintenence or repair on fire extinguishers.

Students from today's class came from all across the state, Pensacola to Miami, and both Public and Private domain.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Pouring It On

As has become a common scene at FSFC, the site is undergoing more
construction. This time it's the grounds around the Florida Fallen
Fire Fighter Memorial, where the new surface should provide a much
more stable area for conducting cerimonies.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

2008 - Class 4 Car Fire

Students in the current Firefight 1 & 2 class experienced their first
live fire at FSFC today by approaching the gas fired car fire props.

Students build up their skills at handling hose and operating nozzles
and selecting stream patterns.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Fire Cadet Academy

The Florida Fire Chief's Association's inagural Cadet Academy
kicked off this week, highlighting the desire of high school aged
individuals that are looking toward a career in the fire service.

The Cadets will participate in four days of practical firefighter training, stay on campus in the dormitories, and enjoy extra curricular activities like movie nights in the auditorium, and volleyball.

New Additions

The college has been busy with wet concrete, molten steel and plenty of sweat over the last few months:

  • Addition of a Class A fuel, live fire burn prop on the three story burn building has created a now multi-fueled training environment consisting of three live burn props including the gas driven Drager units on the second and third floors.

  • A concrete pad has been added in the area of the LP props to ensure footing near the hazard area, and to reduce the loss of drain stone.

  • Plenty of rebar and wire have been sealed into the additional collapse props as well.

A ton of other items have been or are still being retrofitted to constantly improve the training provided here. You'll have to come out and see it for yourself.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Structural Collapse Scenerio for Search & Rescue Students

Urban Search and Rescue training ended today for 20 students who participated in a real-time collapse scenario at the Florida State Fire College in Ocala, FL.

The training scenario involved the collapse of an occupied four story parking garage. This included an actual concrete building, vehicles, props, rescue equipment, tools and supplies. All activity was carried out in real time with mannequins used as victims.

As the students arrived, it was immediately obvious that the structure was unstable and unsafe. Crews quickly set to work bracing the outside of the building with shoring. This required lumber, saws, nails and the knowledge of how to stabilize the building to ensure against further collapse and endangerment to victims and rescuers. The crews needed to support and strengthen an already weakened building.

Simultaneously, assessment was being made of the entire area to determine if there were survivors inside and how they might safely be reached.

Firefighters rapidly gained access to the top level of the garage. They drilled holes through the cement and used a “snake-eye” observation camera to look below the floor to determine what was there, how to reach it, and what hazards they might face.

Smoke and dust were everywhere. Crews could hear and see water running from broken water pipes. The sound of hydraulic drills, chisels and saws hummed. Communications were complicated with the sound of the equipment. PASS devices were alerting, and in the distance music was playing from a car radio somewhere deep in the garage.

This real-time scenario began at 9:30 am on a cloudy morning. “We try to make this as realistic as possible”, said Captain Scott Abston, one of the lead instructors.

Rescuers worked quickly to cut through the cement accessing the floor below. They located the roof of a passenger vehicle just inches below the surface. The only way to gain entrance into the passenger compartment was to cut into and remove the roof of the car. Firefighters had to use great care to ensure the safety of possible victims inside the vehicle while working in a very tight area. Smoke and dust continued to linger around them as they reached the trapped victims. First, they removed a toddler from the back seat. Secured onto a board, the child was lifted through the hole in the roof, then through the hole in the concrete. He was placed into a stokes basket and lowered to medical care on the ground.

In this one evolution, these students had used their training in not only structural collapse, but also confined space, vehicle and mechanical rescue and ropes. These four areas, as well as trench rescue, make up the five phases of the total Urban Search and Rescue training. Each phase includes both operations and technician level instruction

As the shoring of the outside of the building continued, two adult victims were located and removed from the vehicle and lowered to further medical care.

All work was done in teams which were rotated throughout the scenario. Firefighters were rehabbed or refreshed at 15 – 20 minute intervals. “It’s better to keep people fresh than to try to restore them once they are completely depleted”, said lead instructor Chief Nick DeVita. History has proven this method allows for better performance for a longer period of time.

As teams were rotated and rehabbed, information was passed between crews and command personnel. Strategies and tactics were discussed. Diagrams were drawn on whatever surfaces were available.

True to life, tools broke down or malfunctioned. More tools, more equipment, replacement tools or more lumber was called for. Crew members would grab a bottle of water and a snack; an orange, a banana, a packet of nuts or a protein bar. They were all anxious to get back to work. All the while the dust and smoke remained, the noise and sounds continued, and the water ran from broken pipes.

The outside wall was soon stabilized. The rescuers then cut a hole into a wall and made entry to the inside of the garage on the ground level. They quickly found a child entrapped in debris and rebar. Their immediate efforts were to extricate the youngster. Once the child had been safely removed, they began shoring up the space inside the garage. Rapidly they would measure. Measurements and materials were communicated to outside team members who would cut and build exactly what was needed to further secure the building.

Meanwhile, the roof team learned their only access to the next lower floor required them to remove the front of the vehicle they had been working in. This was accomplished and every piece and part was removed to allow them to go further in their quest.

During this nearly six hour exercise, students dealt with sun, heat, humidity and rain. They were dirty, sweaty and tired. Their clothes and shoes were wet and heavy, but they never stopped until the job was done and their training ended. They now had the knowledge and skills, and would own the experience forever.

The Structural Collapse Technician training is a coordinated effort between the Florida State Fire College, Marion County School Board, and Safety Solutions, Inc. According to Milton Selimos of Safety Solutions, Inc. (a Boynton Beach company which trains search and rescue personnel throughout the United States), “Florida State Fire College probably has the best facility in the nation for this type of training.”

This class had 20 students representing Hillsboro, Escambia, Marion, Charlotte and Hernando counties, as well as Miami Beach and Gainesville fire departments. “This is the last and highest level course in the series for collapse training” said Tom Quinn, Florida Urban Search and Rescue Coordinator. “These folks will take this knowledge and rejoin their particular task force teams across the state.”

article by: Janie Gunnell, Training Consultant

Sunday, April 6, 2008

FDIC Conference

Seven of our instructors have boarded flights to Indianapolis to learn and share techniques at the world's largest collection of fire trainers, equipment, and technology.

update 4/7 “Well… After Delta’s official statement that “weather related” delays put us behind flying into Atlanta, the fire instructors passed on the option of waiting two days to get the next un-booked flight to Indianapolis. Although all the rental car companies claimed not to have the option to rent a car due to the one way trip and the fact that all their cars were sold out, some entrepreneurial help from the better half of one instructor booked us a vehicle fit for 5 and we have driven the additional 546 miles.

The fact that we could have started driving from home and been here 4 hours earlier aside… the event has started well. Thousands of the most experienced fire instructors from around the world have come together to disseminate the information that will in the end help to save lives.

update 4/9 Hands-on training drills were the flavor of the first two days. Truck company operations, preparing firefighters for escape, workshops like "Reading Smoke" and "Managing the Fireground with Technology" rounded things out.

Today I'm starting with a class that identifies the specific response issues with fires in townehomes and condos lead by Lt. Tom Donnely of F
DNY (pictured right).

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Honor Guard course takes off in Ocala

The first of many offerings of the Honor Guard: Team Building and Standards classes was a mighty success. Expressly designed to assist fire service and public safety organizations in developing and enhancing their organization's honor and color guard units, students lead by engaging instructors were driven to excel within proper drilling movement, proper techniques, leadership enhancement, and team confidence building.

The lead instructor for the course was Jim Byrd, who retired from Miami Dade County in August 2005 after serving 22 years in Florida’s Fire Service. Jim was instrumental in coordinating and commanding the Miami Dade Honor Guard section where they won many competitions because of their unity and unwavering stature. Recognizing his talent and attention detail, Jim was asked by organizations throughout the years to judge honor guard competitions in Florida.

After serving at the National Fallen Firefighter Memorial in Emmitsburg, MD, Jim was asked to command the Statewide Honor Guard Representation during the first Florida Fallen Firefighter Memorial in Ocala, in 1993. Commander Byrd, using only a 24-hour window, was able to coordinate honor guards from fire departments all over Florida as a unified section during the ceremony to honor fire departments and families of those firefighters that made the ultimate sacrifice. Jim continued that service for many years.

Additional instructors included: Ronald Ferguson, Robert Osteen, Michael Driggers, Pamela Driggers, Jules Bouckhuyt, Mike Alsup.

Students from across Florida participated in the inaugural class representing Ocala, Fort Myers, Williston, Osteen, Lake Mary, Pompano Beach, Winterhaven, Cape Coral, Longwood, Mount Dora, and Green Acres.

Because of the varied organizational policies and procedures, this class was designed and intended to offer a unique training environment including off-site funeral home visits, curriculum to cover basic military drill and ceremony, church and casket protocol, developing department SOPs for honor and color guards, public safety officer benefits, flag etiquette, proper military courtesies, honor guard commander leadership, various types of funeral services, and history of honor and color guard.

Photos courtesy of Pam Driggers