Wednesday, September 23, 2009

FloridaFireprograms on the Road

Our instructors travel to Darlington, South Carolina to instruct more
than 50 military personnel in various hazardous materials skills.

For more information on this event, or to find out how we can serve
your organization, email

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Break Stuff

Class IV 2009 practices vehichle extrication today useing hydraulic
and hand tools.
Among the skills practiced were standard door removal, flapping a
roof, noah's ark, and basic cribbing.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

National Guard Prepares for Hazardous Materials

Members of the National Guard have been training on potential
hazardous materials release scenarios this week at the Florida state
fire college. Members of the FL CERF-P are learning the basic steps
of mitigation and decontamination of civilians as well as responders.
In the photo, personnel practice the removal of loose/dry contaminates
using standard equipment such as vaccums, brushes and scizzors.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Cavalry arrives to save lunch...

The instructors and staff for FSFC / CTAE came to the aid of the
kitchen staff today when limited staffing caused some concern about
the pre-graduation luncheon.
With the helpful skills of Jeff, Matt, Sarah, Joshua and the food
consumption ensues!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Class III gets it's Bangor Time

The third class of Firefighter I & II students for the 2009 school
year are climbing that ladder of success quite literaly today.
Gaining confidence on the ladders, the students each made their way up
and down the 5 floors worth of ladder, pausing twice to demonstrate
leg locks (a technique for securing a firefighter to the ladder with
no hands or tools).
The drill came easy to some, and less so for others, but at the end of
the evolution, all students were able to complete the objective.

Pumps Galore

Another Apparatus Operations class is underway at the college this
week. Students pictured are supplying a handline through and Engine,
via a portable float pump (not pictured).