Sunday, April 6, 2008

FDIC Conference

Seven of our instructors have boarded flights to Indianapolis to learn and share techniques at the world's largest collection of fire trainers, equipment, and technology.

update 4/7 “Well… After Delta’s official statement that “weather related” delays put us behind flying into Atlanta, the fire instructors passed on the option of waiting two days to get the next un-booked flight to Indianapolis. Although all the rental car companies claimed not to have the option to rent a car due to the one way trip and the fact that all their cars were sold out, some entrepreneurial help from the better half of one instructor booked us a vehicle fit for 5 and we have driven the additional 546 miles.

The fact that we could have started driving from home and been here 4 hours earlier aside… the event has started well. Thousands of the most experienced fire instructors from around the world have come together to disseminate the information that will in the end help to save lives.

update 4/9 Hands-on training drills were the flavor of the first two days. Truck company operations, preparing firefighters for escape, workshops like "Reading Smoke" and "Managing the Fireground with Technology" rounded things out.

Today I'm starting with a class that identifies the specific response issues with fires in townehomes and condos lead by Lt. Tom Donnely of F
DNY (pictured right).